Arie Eating Update
Hopefully we are headed on the right path. Our next goal is to get him to eat table food/crackers/cheerios/etc. He still ONLY does baby food... nothing else. He gags terribly with any kind of cracker or cheerio or anything, but he DOESN'T cry which is good.
He's combat crawling now too! He still can't sit himself up yet, but he's trying. Once he's in the sitting position he can stay for a while, but he doesn't really like to and quickly flops back to his belly. He's not pulling up yet or anything like that. I'm just happy that he's finally combat crawling! That's all I could ask for. Improvment is GREAT and I'm confident that in the long run he will be developmentally on target. He's just a little behind at the moment.
The boy has a TEMPER though and can SCREAM bloody murder when he's mad at something. He's also cutting 4 teeth right now (as is Micah) so they are both miserable. Funny thing is that they are both cutting some of the same teeth. Micah was a late teether and Arie was early, so there you go.
Ok, enough with the novel. My boy is GROWING UP!!!