Our FOUR Little Ducks (formerly Our Three Little Ducks :)~

I'm a mom to FOUR amazing kids, one of which was adopted from South Korea. Our family is wild and crazy, and REALLY LOUD but lots of fun. Oh, and my new favorite quote is: "HAVING KIDS IS LIKE BEING PECKED TO DEATH BY A DUCK." So so so true.

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Location: United States

I am currently a SAHM, but prior to leaving my job I was a labor and delivery nurse. I really miss work, but I enjoy being home with my kids (most of the time anyway!).

Saturday, January 20, 2007

A Little Twisted Humor

This is an example of a hypothetical conversation between two women if adoption was the norm as opposed to pregnancy. This is probably only funny if you've adopted before because, like me, I'm sure you've heard all of these same comments from people who are offering their "opinion" or who are trying to be "supportive". I admit it's kind of twisted and cynical, but I still got a big kick out of reading it. Please no flames... I'm not trying to offend anyone!

- Oh, you will GIVE BIRTH to a child, how exciting! Was it because
you didn't pass the authorities' investigations? Was it you or your
husband who wasn't accepted? Ooooh, you should see, if you only give
birth now you both will become sooo much more relaxed and the
investigation will go sooo much better so that you will get your own
real adoptive child in the end as well!

- A GENETIC child, how BRAVE you are! You two have always been SO
SPECIAL! Well, but everything will for sure go sooo well anyway. You
know, I know another woman who also chose a genetic child, and that
has actually worked out very well and her child is even doing well in

- And from where will you get your child? Oh yes, I forgot, you go to
the birth hospital. Oh thiiink of those days, it was like a dreeeeam,
we went to Ethiooooopia... Well... hospitals can for sure be very
interesting all... the food for example... maybe.. or the doctors'
language. Latin is interesting and not so bad to learn some from
before you go!

- How does it FEEL not being able to choose the age of your child?
And aren't you worried about all the many varieties of severe
handicaps that you will not be aware of in advance? And IMAGINE, only
nine months to prepare, wow you certainly has self assurance as a
coming parent! Myself, I would NEVER dare doing something like that!

- Fantastic, that you too will be parents! In your own little way.
Without being investigated and OK-ed by all referents, authorities
and all. Myself and my husband went through the investigation with
such an ease, and it was SO good to get that strong support by both
authorities, referents and the whole surrounding - but for sure you
will make it well anyway. You always chose your own ways!

- And yes, I guarantee that you will feel like a real mother anyway,
despite that you don't have to think about it and motivate it so
carefully. I think it is very important that you tell the child the
real truth from the beginning - that you actually have given birth to
it yourself!


Blogger Gwen said...

I absolutely love this! This is everything I have ever heard all in one big joke! I hope you don't mind if I use it! LOL!!!!!!!

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But seriously...wouldn't it be great if you DID have to go through the rigamarol to "birth" a child. How much tax money we could save if ALL parents had to be interviewed...

9:43 PM  
Blogger Erinn said...

Thank you Ryan!
I have often told people that (when this process is over) we will be "good people" and have the paper trail to prove it.

I appreciate this humor, it came at a time that I was feeling pretty low.
Keep us laughing,
(Gathering documents for our dossier)

12:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hee, hee, funny! Delurking to chuckle.


5:34 PM  

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